Tuesday, March 12, 2013

JCP has popped up on "rumors of a potential CEO change".  Whatever.  But I know it's up about 8% since I bought it a few days ago so I am taking my 8% and waiting for another opportunity.  I only wish I was this "in the flow" with BBRY  boy has that stock been volatile.

Good read on the budget battle.


During my brief teaching career at a local University, I stressed to my statistics students to question the data.  This writer is speaking of doing that.  I am conservative enough that I am not a big fan of deficit spending, but I  also believe the government should have some stabilizer effect and help when the market is broken.  This article fits with my view that politicians are using scare tactics on us to get their way.  I don't like that.

As to the conclusion, the only other thing I would add is that the market is an awfully good barometer and our government rates at all time lows does not signal a crisis in credit quality.

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