Thursday, March 28, 2013

VVR has been one of my favorites.  Floating rate senior loans is their investment arena.  I believe in the story, but I am concerned with the hefty premium to NAV.  In addition it is a leveraged fund so it is riskier by nature.  Over half of the 25% return in the last year has been from the premium expansion.  I will be looking for alternative funds to invest in this space.  BKLN is one that I am invested in as well and it trades at parity with NAV.

EVF is a candidate
VTA is also one.

Their fees are slightly higher but they are trading much closer to NAV (net asset value) so one will have a bit more protection if things go sour.  They both have leverage, but it is around the same as VVR.  The leverage part does not scare me so much as the potential for a change in sentiment that could see premiums go away.

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